Ten7 Brewing Adding Birthday Sour Ale

Ten7 Brewing Adding Birthday Sour Ale

Today I have a new birthday beer coming from Ten7 Brewing in North Wales, PA.

This is Birthday Sour and it will be a fruited sour ale brewed with a “crazy amount” of blueberry, blackberry and cherry. The beer will hit 6.5%-AbV and you’re looking at the 16oz can. Stay tuned for release details.  zzubreebym

About Ten7 Brewing:

Who We Are

We are a family and Veteran owned brewery that opened its doors on October 26, 2018. The brewery is owned by Karen Coleman, her brother Bob Heger, his wife Joanne, and their long-time friend Gerry Viglietti. Bob and Joanne’s daughter Meghan is the Brand Manager. The award winning Head Brewer, Matt Nitchke, grew up with the Heger Family and {fun fact} was often, and occasionally still is, “The Dog Sitter” for the Heger Family.

Our story begins like many others in the craft beer world: home brewing. Bob and Gerry started extract stovetop brewing years ago. Joanne, at that time, was NOT a fan of the smell in the house so they eventually moved to the back patio. Extract turned to “all grain” brewing, which opened the door for more experimentation. Unknown to Bob and Gerry, Matt had also started home brewing and eventually the trio began to brew together. Thankfully, Joanne learned to love the smell of brewing.

Trips to local (and not so local) breweries, beer trading, Razzles and beer lotteries led to the partners getting their hands and palettes on quality liquids. The Heger family would leave The Dog Sitter an occasional whale when he would watch the dogs, and both Scott and Meghan entered their legal beer drinking years with Trillium, Tree House, Veil and other beauties. As the beers they drank improved, their home brews did as well. 

In 2017, we decided to begin looking for a spot to start our own brewery. At the time, Bob was a police officer, Joanne was in academics and Gerry was a truck driver. After entertaining some other names for the brewery, we decided on a name that reflected Bob’s dream of retiring from police work and opening a brewery. Ten7, or more accurately “10-7” is a police code that means “off duty” or “unavailable.” "Ten7" is an ode to Bob’s ultimate 10-7: retirement. In May 2021, Bob retired after more than 25 years in police work and 21 years of military service. He is now spending his time living his dream.
In July 2017, we found the perfect spot to start our brewery in North Wales. After winning zoning approval in October 2017, the partners got to work at 510 Beaver Street. After spending a very long year of renovations, we opened our doors on October 26, 2018.

We are so thankful for everyone who helped us get our doors opened and keep them that way. The support we have received from day one continues to humble us to this day and we thank you, our guests, for enjoying our beer and keeping our dream alive.

About MyBeer Buzz

Founder, owner, author, graphic designer, CEO, CFO, webmaster, president, mechanic and janitor for mybeerbuzz.com. Producer and Co-host of the WILK Friday BeerBuzz live weekly craft beer radio show. Small craft-brewer of the craft beer news sites and one-man-band with way too many instruments to play........Copyright 2007-2025 mybeerbuzz.com All Rights Reserved: Use of this content on ANY site without written permission is not allowed.

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