WILK Friday Beerbuzz – 30 July 2020 (Benny Brewing Co Hopenstein IPA and Wit)

It’s been a lot of fun having guests on the Friday Beerbuzz, especially three weeks in a row.  I think it’s important for us to talk to our...
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Founders Tasting Events in NEPA

A quick thank you to John Host, Krugels Georgetown Deli & Beer, Backyard Ale House, John & Chuck from Stockertown Beverage and ever...
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Local Brewing History – Bartels Beer $150

We’re switching over to show off some great local beer advertising.  Today’s ad comes to us courtesy of JessKidden and features Prof. Barte...
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Chip the Beer Guy – Founders Brewing

Today we featured John Host from Founders Brewing Co.  John is the regional marketing rep for Founders and formerly from Tunkhannoc...
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