The Hideout Brewing Co Closing In Grand Rapids, MI

The Hideout Brewing Co Closing In Grand Rapids, MI
From The Hideout:

The Hideout is Closing

Unfortunately after over 13 years of operation The Hideout is closing. Friday and Saturday March 15-16th will be the Hideout Goodbye Party and Sunday March 17th, St Patrick's day, will be the last day the Hideout is open. We are excited about seeing all of the old regulars one last time at the brewery and hope that everyone has a great time!

Please make sure to get your mug to take home if you are a mug club member. Please also spend any gift cards that you have, they will be accepted while we are operational.

Many people have asked why were are closing and not finishing a sale. We have been working hard to sell The Hideout with a number of buyers since June. We had finalized all of the details with a buyer but they were unable to get rights to the building.The owner of the building has been unwilling to negotiate with any of our potential buyers. They have been unwilling to give any buyer a price to have a new lease or land contract. Because of this, we have been unable to sell the business as a whole and are left with no option but to close the doors.

We will be selling all of the equipment and assets of the brewery. Some of the equipment stays with the building, but the rest is all for sale. The Brew Kettle, Mash Ton, two out of three walk in coolers, and some additional equipment is not for sale, everything else is available. You can contact me directly by email or text me to setup a time to come look at the equipment. 616-389-9900 I will be posting specific pieces on craigslist and send another email with more details.

About MyBeer Buzz

Founder, owner, author, graphic designer, CEO, CFO, webmaster, president, mechanic and janitor for Producer and Co-host of the WILK Friday BeerBuzz live weekly craft beer radio show. Small craft-brewer of the craft beer news sites and one-man-band with way too many instruments to play........Copyright 2007-2025 All Rights Reserved: Use of this content on ANY site without written permission is not allowed.

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