Short's Brewing & Pure Michigan Collaborate On Hazy IPA

Short's Brewing & Pure Michigan Collaborate On Hazy IPA

From Short’s:

Elk Rapids, MI

Is it winter? Fool’s spring? Mud season? Actual spring?

The line between winter and spring is notoriously hazy. So hazy that Short’s Brewing decided to craft a beer to mark the season (or lack thereof).

Introducing the latest beer in the Short’s Brewing x Pure Michigan series: Pure Michigan Hazy IPA.

Made with Michigan ingredients: Cascade, Cashmere, and Bergamot hops from Hop Alliance and Pale Ale Malt, Malted Oats, and White Wheat from Great Lakes Malting. Pure Michigan Hazy IPA is robust and delightful with grassy, dank, citrus aromas and a hint of caramel and baked bread-biscuity goodness.

Short’s Brewing tapped their frequent collaborator Tanya Whitley to bring their artistic vision to life, creating a renaissance-inspired sunset featuring clouds in the shape of Michigan.

“Spring is a season of awakening, and an opportunity to explore the beauty of Michigan in springtime by connecting with the great outdoors and unique city experiences,” said Kelly Wolgamott, Vice President of Pure Michigan. “With all Michigan-sourced ingredients and packaging that embraces the changing of the season and warmer, longer days ahead, Short’s Pure Michigan Hazy is a great way to celebrate after a spring adventure in Pure Michigan.”

Pure Michigan Hazy IPA arrives on the heels of the spring equinox, March 21, 2025 and will be available from April to June at the brewer’s locations in Bellaire and Elk Rapids with distribution of draft and six packs in Michigan and Indiana.

For more information on Short’s Brewing, please visit

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