Today we have several new bottles coming from Caldera Brewing in Ashland, OR. These are both barrel-aged brews and today we get to see Old Growth imperial stout (Bourbon barrels, 8.8%-AbV), Mogli imperial chocolate porter (Bourbon barrel, 8.5%-AbV), Ashland Amber (5.6%-AbV), Vanilla Wheat Ale (4.8%-AbV) & Pale Ale (5.5%-AbV). These are all 12oz bottles. We also have Mosaic IPA 12oz cans (6.5%-AbV), South Side Ale (7%-AbV), Hibiscus Ginger Beer (4.7%-AbV), White Ale (4.3%-AbV, 12oz cans), IPA (6.1%-AbV), Hop Hash IPA (6.5%-AbV), Hopportunity Knocks IPA (6.8%-AbV), Dry Hop Orange Session IPA (5.2%-AbV), Cousin Rick Triple IPA 20th Anniversary Beer (11%-AbV, 22oz bottle), Mother Pucker raspberry sour ale (6%-AbV, 22oz bottle), Coco-Nutty Blonde Ale (5.4%-AbV), Roasted Hatch Chili (5.5%-AbV, 12oz cans), Grapefruit IPA (6.6%-AbV, 12oz cans), Hemp Seed Brown Ale (16.9oz bottles, 8%-AbV) & Raider Red Ale (Southern Oregon University (5.7%-AbV).
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