Zaftig Microbrewery & Crimson Cup Coffee & Tea Brew Up BamBaLam Breakfast Stout

imageFrom Zaftig:

Columbus, Ohio -

Columbus microbrewery Zaftig and coffee roaster Crimson Cup Coffee & Tea have partnered to create BamBaLam Breakfast Stout, the ultimate coffee- and beer-lovers’ beverage.

To produce this new brew, Zaftig mashes dark roasted and chocolate barleys to create wort, or unfermented beer. Bittersweet chocolate and Crimson Cup’s Ethiopian Sidamo Kellenso (a single-origin offering that earned a 92-point Coffee Review) are added after boiling the wort but before fermentation. The end result is a big, beautifully complex breakfast stout.

“After the success of our Dry Hopped Nitro cold brew coffee, we started looking at other ways to incorporate ideas from the craft brew world. We met Zaftig at the launch party of our Hopped Nitro, and from there we began discussing ways of incorporating coffee into craft beers,” said past brewmaster and current Crimson Cup Coffee Buyer, Dave Eldridge.

BamBaLam won rave reviews at The Columbus Winter Beer Fest, a Tap Takeover at The Ohio Taproom, The Grandview Craft Beer Associations Hullabaloo and an event in Dayton called the BrewHaha.

“As a small-batch brewery, we can't make enough to keep up with the crazy demand for this beer right now,” said Zaftig Co-owner Jim Gokenbach. “This coffee beer collaboration has helped us branch out to meet more local community business partners.”

BamBaLam is available for a limited time at the Ohio TapRoom, 1291 West Third Ave., and the Tap Room at Zaftig, 545 Schrock Rd. in Worthington. Approximately 20 gallons of BamBaLam will be kept for the Zaftig taproom and The World of Beer Easton location. The remaining 80 gallons will be aged in bourbon barrels from a local distillery.

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