Short's Fest Coming June 10th 2023

Short's Fest Coming June 10th 2023

From Short’s:

Elk Rapids, MI . – With their 19th Anniversary Celebration just days away, Short’s Brewing is deep into the planning for their annual summer celebration, Short’s Fest. This year, it is scheduled for June 10th, 2023.  zzubreebym

“We’re changing the date, people!” shared Rachel Payne, General Manager for the Elk Rapids Tap Room, “We have typically hosted Short’s Fest the same weekend as the Elk Rapids Harbor Days Festival, but we were always bummed to miss out on celebrating Harbor Days with our friends and neighbors.”

With a new date, Short’s Fest is promising to be the kickoff party of the summer and will feature live music, food trucks, and of course, beverages. The only thing missing will be the Harbor Days firework celebration.

“We’ll be pouring TONS of our beers and ciders, with multiple serving stations inside and out. We know folks are finally getting back into the party spirit, and we can’t wait to party with you.” Payne concluded with a smile.

Tickets are on sale now with two options available: an early entry ticket will set you back $65 and includes 4pm entrance, drink tokens and a swag bag. General admission tickets are
available for $35 and include drink tokens and a 5pm entrance time. With the festivities scheduled until 11pm, there will be plenty of time to ring in summer in style.

To purchase tickets, please visit:

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