RadCraft Presents The 2022 Industry Relief Coloring Book To Support James Beard Foundation® Open For Good Campaign

DIGITAL— RadCraft and the James Beard Foundation are proud to present the second rendition of the RadCraft Industry Relief Coloring Book in support of the longevity of independent restaurants. After a successful launch of this book in 2020, it returns with more than double the pages featuring the logos of RadCraft’s partner malthouses, breweries, and distilleries (listed below). Proceeds from this effort go directly to the James Beard Open For Good campaign.    zzubreebym

For more than 30 years, the James Beard Foundation has promoted Good Food For Good™ by giving chefs a voice and the tools they need to make the world more sustainable, equitable, and delicious. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the James Beard Foundation launched the Open for Good campaign to help independent restaurants survive the crisis, rebuild better, and thrive for the long term.  Since the launch of Open For Good, the Foundation  has provided critical industry support and resources through education, financial assistance, advocacy, and consumer engagement. For example, the Foundation raised and disbursed almost $4.8 million in grants to 312 food and beverage establishments across America through the JBF Food & Beverage Industry Relief Fund; has hosted more than 100 webinars on a variety of topics for their Industry Support learning series; and has continued work to train and mobilize the chef community in support of public policy through the Chef’s Bootcamp for Policy and Change.

The RadCraft Industry Relief Coloring Book is available for digital download here or pre-order a hard copy here.

Those who download and print are encouraged to share their art on social media with the #radcraftindustryrelief hashtag.

Contact Founder & CEO Emily Hutto at hutto@radcraftbeer.com for a press copy of the coloring book, or with questions about RadCraft.

Learn more about Open For Good at jamesbeard.org/openforgood and contact jbf@wagstaffmktg.com with media inquiries about the foundation.

Participating RadCraft Partners

Barnett & Son Brewing Company

Billy Goat Hop Farm

Bootstrap Brewing

Boulder Spirits

Bruz Beers

Craft Maltsters Guild


Dolores River Brewery

Eddyline Brewery

Elevation Beer Company

Goat Patch Brewing Company

Inland Island Yeast Laboratories

Living The Dream Brewing Company

Lone Tree Brewing Company

Mainstem Malt


Murphy & Rude Malting Company

Peach Street Distillers

Rabbit Hill Malt

Riverbend Malt House

Root Shoot Malting

Rustic Brew Farm

Ska Brewing

Ska Fabricating

The Empourium Brewing Company

Uhl’s Brewing Company

Weathered Souls Brewing


Woods Boss Brewing Company


Founded in 2012 by Emily Hutto, RadCraft provides communications support for the beverage industry. From breweries and distilleries to maltsters and their affiliates, RadCraft’s partners are makers of thoughtful products and cultivators of radical ideas. Beers and spirits should tell stories about brands, and RadCraft loves a good story. Learn more at radcraftbeer.com


The James Beard Foundation (JBF) celebrates and supports the people behind America’s food culture, while pushing for new standards in the restaurant industry to create a future where all have the opportunity to thrive. Established over 30 years ago, the Foundation has highlighted the centrality of food culture in our daily lives and is committed to supporting a resilient and flourishing industry that honors its diverse communities. By amplifying new voices, celebrating those leading the way, and supporting those on the path to do so, the Foundation is working to create a more equitable and sustainable future—what we call Good Food for Good®.

As a 501c3 non-profit organization, JBF brings its mission to life through annual Awards, industry and community-focused initiatives and programs, advocacy, and events. Current programs include the Open for Good Campaign, Chef’s Bootcamp for Policy and Change, Beard House Fellows, Legacy Network, Scholarship Programs, Smart Catch, and Women’s Leadership Programs. In addition, JBF celebrates the chefs and local independent restaurants at the heart of our communities with numerous events and partnerships nationwide throughout the year—including the Taste America culinary tour, JBF Greens events for foodies under 40, the soon-to-open Pier 57 Market Hall, food festivals, and more.

For more information, subscribe to the digital newsletter Beard Bites and follow @beardfoundation on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and LinkedIn.

About MyBeer Buzz

Founder, owner, author, graphic designer, CEO, CFO, webmaster, president, mechanic and janitor for mybeerbuzz.com. Producer and Co-host of the WILK Friday BeerBuzz live weekly craft beer radio show. Small craft-brewer of the craft beer news sites and one-man-band with way too many instruments to play........Copyright 2007-2025 mybeerbuzz.com All Rights Reserved: Use of this content on ANY site without written permission is not allowed.

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