From Deschutes:
Fresh Family – August 5th marks National IPA Day and Deschutes’ Fresh Family has something for every hop lover from the juicy tropical notes of Squeezy Rider to the citrus flare of Fresh Squeezed and Fresh Haze to the Imperials Hazetron and Royal Fresh.
Dissident Peach – A specialty release of our coveted Barrel-aged Flanders style Brown Ale, The Dissident, fermented wild yeast brewed with fresh Oregon peaches from Baird Family Orchards and aged in Deschutes oak barrels. An ode to the classic Oud Bruin, this new release reveals flavors including peaches and tannins with bright, pleasant acidity. Worthy of the name The Dissident. Image asset link here. 10% ABV | 20 IBUs | 500ml bottles | $14.99
Whiskey Butte – Whiskey Butte, a Black Butte Porter variant aged in Whiskey barrels will make its package debut this September in 12 ounce, 4 pack bottles. This craft beer brings in the lovely oak character of the brewery's big strong barrel-aged beers at a very approachable strength and drinkability. Brushes of vanilla, bourbon and oak notes combine in a rich and bold porter. Image asset link here. 9% ABV | 35 IBUs | 4 pack 12-ounce bottles | $9.99
Chasin’ Freshies - Fresh Hop season is right around the corner and Chasin' Freshies Fresh Hop IPA is even more unique this year brewed in collaboration with our friends at fellow family-owned German brewery, Bitburger. This October Chasin' Freshies will feature notes of melon, honey, orange, and passionfruit from Pacific Northwest fresh hops Triumph and Cashmere that will go from vine to kettle in a few short hours, with Bitburger signature proprietary hops Siegelhopfen & German Callista. 6.0% ABV | 50 IBUs | 6 pack 12-ounce cans, draft | $11.50
Grower Direct IPA - This September welcomes a new addition to the IPA Variety Pack with a brand new release, Grower Direct IPA, a farm-to-table focused IPA. Joining Fresh Squeezed, Fresh Haze and Symphonic Chronic, this new IPA for Deschutes was created in partnership with CLS Farms in the Yakima Valley. With hops developed and grown on their farm, we partnered with them every step of the way from selection to recipe development for this delicious light and bright IPA with big hop character from Nugget, Centennial, Cashmere, El Dorado and Triumph hops. 7.0% ABV | 50 IBUs | 12-ounce bottles Variety Pack | $20.00
Jubelale – We’re not ready to reveal this year’s Jubelale design from our new featured artist yet, but we can let you know that this festive winter ale, a fan favorite since 1988, will be available in 12 pack cans for the first time this September! 6.7% ABV | 65 IBUs | 6 pack 12-ounce bottles, 12 pack 12-ounce cans, draft | $9.50
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