Finding Comfort In Phone Therapy During The Covid Quarantine

Finding Comfort In Phone Therapy During The Covid QuarantineIt’s really hard to imaging how different our world would look now from just a few months ago. In Jan 2020, we celebrated a new decade and made plans for several vacations and even in late Jan, the “Corona” virus was a distant concern on our collective radar.

Jump forward just a few short months and our world has changed dramatically. Sporting events and sports seasons were cancelled, businesses closed their doors, and people began working from home, or worse yet, they experienced job loss or layoffs.

Naturally this drastic change in lifestyle, the stress of job loss and finances, the difficulties just buying basic necessities and the anxiety of quarantine have affected people in different ways…and unfortunately the physical isolation and mental isolation have really taken their toll.

For me personally, my dentist and yearly doctor’s appointments were both cancelled and simple things like a sinus infection became a much bigger deal.  After all, the hospitals, doctor’s offices and urgent care facilities seem to all be ground-zero for the Corona virus, so that added even more stress and fear of needing medical attention.

Fortunately for me, I realized my health care plan included tele-medicine and naturally this got me thinking. If you can diagnose and treat a physical issue over the phone, why can’t you treat anxiety, depression and other therapy needs over the phone.

I did some checking and as it turns out phone therapy or telephone therapy are readily available and actually promoted by my health insurance as a viable means to help people in need.

Whether you are feeling isolated, depressed, sad or simply anxious, I’d encourage you to seek out help…and with help available remotely that makes getting therapy even easier.

In my area there were quite a few licensed therapists who offered phone therapy well before the Corona virus and continued that practice with even more patients after the quarantine demands of the Corona virus. Add in the fact that technology now allows you to meet with your therapist virtually face-to-face with a Zoom, Skype, Teams of Face Time conference…and all you need is a computer or cell phone.

If you’re feeling anxious, isolated, depressed or stressed because of the Corona quarantine demands, always remember help is available. Don’t hesitate to reach out and seek help even during these unprecedented times, and always remember phone therapy is readily available and extremely valuable.

About MyBeer Buzz

Founder, owner, author, graphic designer, CEO, CFO, webmaster, president, mechanic and janitor for Producer and Co-host of the WILK Friday BeerBuzz live weekly craft beer radio show. Small craft-brewer of the craft beer news sites and one-man-band with way too many instruments to play........Copyright 2007-2024 All Rights Reserved: Use of this content on ANY site without written permission is not allowed.

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