AleSmith Introduces Barrel-Aged Speedway Stout: Monster's Park Chocolate Espresso Edition

AleSmith Introduces Barrel-Aged Speedway Stout: Monster's Park Chocolate Espresso EditionFrom AleSmith:


Introducing Barrel-Aged Speedway Stout: Monster's Park Chocolate Espresso Edition—a decadent new variation of our classic Speedway Stout, inspired by the rich, complex flavors of bourbon-aged chocolate covered espresso beans. This TBD% ABV imperial stout combines the bold intensity of barrel-aged Speedway Stout with Modern Times’ Monster’s Park, then enhances it with Bird Rock Monkey Bite Espresso and Dominican cacao nibs. The result is a luxuriously smooth and well-rounded brew with notes of rich chocolate, bold espresso, and a warming bourbon character. The finish is layered with smooth, coffee flavor and a satisfying chocolate complexity.

Now on tap and sold in the Tasting Room! Coming to CA, AZ, CO, CT, ID, IL, MA, MI, MN, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, TX, VA, and WA. Also available online with CA Shipping.


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