New Glarus Reopens Their Original Brewery To Tours After Two Decades

New Glarus Reopens Their Original Brewery To Tours After Two Decades

From New Glarus:

Come experience the excitement as we reopen our original brewery to the public after nearly two decades!

Our original brewery is officially open for tours for the first time since 2007! Come check it out and stop by straight across the street at our brand new tasting room and beer depot. Cheers!

About New Glarus Brewing:

New Glarus Brewing Company wasted no time establishing itself as a world class operation. In 1992, Daniel Carey passed the Diploma Master Brewer's Exam at the Institute of Brewing, London. Deb Carey raised the capital for the start-up as a gift to her husband, establishing herself as the first woman to found and operate a brewery in the United States.

Dan and Deb Carey converted an abandoned warehouse into New Glarus Brewing Company's original Riverside Brewery. The first barrels rolled out in November of 1993 - the fastest micro brewery start-up ever. Daniel and Deb successfully combine their business management and brewing professionalism with their philosophy based on individuality, cooperation, and use of 100% natural ingredients to produce world class, hand-crafted beers.

Deb Carey Co-Founder/President

One of life's entrepreneurial spirits, she raised the capital for the start-up as a gift to her husband, establishing her as the first woman to found and operate a brewery in the United States.
She is a native of Wisconsin. She attended Carroll College in Helena, Montana majoring in marketing and graphics. An entrepreneur at heart, she started her first business at the age of sixteen.
After studying Business with the S.B.A. and Clackamus College in Portland, Oregon Deb met the challenge of establishing the New Glarus Brewing Co. in 1993. As Founder and President of "One of the Top Ten Breweries in the World" she does everything—except brew the beer!

Dan Carey Co-Founder/Diploma Master Brewer

Dan Carey has worked in the Brewing Industry since the age of 20.  He earned his Bachelor's Degree in Food Science with an emphasis in Malting and Brewing Science from the University of California at Davis in 1983. He served his apprenticeship at a small brewery near Munich, Germany and has operated and constructed numerous breweries throughout the United States. He was valedictorian of the 1987 Siebel Institute Course in Brewing Technology.
He passed the Institute of Brewing and Distilling Diploma Examination in 1990 as well as their Master Brewer Examination in 1992. Before starting New Glarus Brewing Company with Deborah Carey, he was a Production Supervisor for Anheuser-Busch.
Dan won the Association of Brewers 2003 "Small Brewer of the Year" Award, the 2005 and 2006 "Mid Size Brewer of the Year" Awards, as well as the 2006 "Russell Schehrer Award for Innovation in Craft Brewing."

About MyBeer Buzz

Founder, owner, author, graphic designer, CEO, CFO, webmaster, president, mechanic and janitor for Producer and Co-host of the WILK Friday BeerBuzz live weekly craft beer radio show. Small craft-brewer of the craft beer news sites and one-man-band with way too many instruments to play........Copyright 2007-2025 All Rights Reserved: Use of this content on ANY site without written permission is not allowed.

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