Karben4 Brewing Adding Outer Spaced & Oktoberfest In Madison, WI

Karben4 Brewing Adding Outer Spaced & Oktoberfest In Madison, WI

Today I have some new cans coming in 2025 from Karben4 Brewing in Madison, WI.

Outer Spaced will be a hazy double IPA “hop grenade” that will be brewed with peach and passion fruit (9.2%-AbV, 16oz cans) & 2025 Oktoberfest will be a fest-style lager “malt bomb” that will dance in at 5.8%-AbV. These are both 12oz or 16oz cans and stay tuned for release details.  zzubreebymKarben4 Brewing Adding Outer Spaced & Oktoberfest In Madison, WI

About Karben4 Brewing in Madison, WI:
In a Galaxy far, far away…

Ryan Koga found himself in Billings, Montana in 2006 working towards a Master’s Degree in Athletic Training. To help make ends meet, he got a job at a local brewpub. Ryan had never been a big beer drinker, in fact to this day he’s still a cheap date…But when he tasted a ‘real beer’ for the first time at age 25, it changed his life forever.

And built a Fantasy Factory.

The brewery grew and so did the demand. Karben4 now distributes to 3 states. No matter how weird we get or how much we grow, we promise to be true to ourselves, give back to the community, and work fearlessly to bring you the best beer experience possible. Swing by, have a pint with us and see what we are all about.

Located on Madison’s East side, we make high quality beers with the best ingredients we can find. Visit our taproom to try exclusive creations by our brewers, a sampling of local snacks and live music.

Beer that’s outside the box, inside a can. You know Fantasy Factory but have you tried Midwesty, Hawk Jones or one of our Brewer Series releases?

We are here for you, whether you need beer to go, a quick beer and pizza with friends, or an afternoon on the patio with live music. From hoppy beers to malty ones and the spectrum in between, we have something for every palate.

3698 Kinsman Blvd.
Madison, WI 53704

About MyBeer Buzz

Founder, owner, author, graphic designer, CEO, CFO, webmaster, president, mechanic and janitor for mybeerbuzz.com. Producer and Co-host of the WILK Friday BeerBuzz live weekly craft beer radio show. Small craft-brewer of the craft beer news sites and one-man-band with way too many instruments to play........Copyright 2007-2025 mybeerbuzz.com All Rights Reserved: Use of this content on ANY site without written permission is not allowed.

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