Lost Rhino Brewing To Release a New Hazy NEIPA

From Lost Rhino:

Ashburn, VA - Lost Rhino Brewing in Ashburn, VA is releasing a new Hazy IPA, just in time for football season.  TWO-A-DAZE Hazy IPA will be released at the brewery on Wednesday, July 17th, and then available through distribution on Monday, July 22nd.  The name TWO-A-DAZE is a play on the 2-a-day football practices in the heat and humidity of August.  We are releasing this brand to coincide with the start of NFL training camp.  TWO-A-DAZE will be offered in 4- pack 16 oz cans and draft.  The cans will feature a football theme with the local burgundy and gold colors.  In a twist from their normal on-premise surfboard tap marker, we will offer a completely different handle allowing accounts to feature the colors of their local favorite.

Huddle up for this New England Juicy IPA! Bursting with pineapple, mango, and citrus, it’s a hazy, hoppy MVP. Perfect post-practice refreshment, tackling your thirst with a touchdown of tropical flavors. Game on, beer lovers!

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