Guinness Becomes The Official Beer of the Premier League & Guinness 0.0 the Official Non-Alcoholic Beer of the Premier League

From Guinness:


The four-year agreement, which kicks-off for the 2024/2025 season, will see Guinness become the Official Beer of the Premier League, and Guinness 0.0 as the Official Non-Alcoholic Beer of the Premier League. As the Official Responsible Drinking Partner of the League, Guinness will be using its global rights to promote and encourage responsible drinking during the season.

Guinness will use its distinctive marketing, creative advertising, and history of activating world class sports sponsorships to create fan experiences that make the game brighter for all. The partnership will look to support and uplift the football community, on and off the pitch, and inspire new connections between its consumers and passionate Premier League fans around the world.

John Kennedy, President Europe, Diageo: “The Premier League is the world’s most popular league, providing an amazing opportunity to continue the success of the Guinness brand globally and connect with new communities around the football occasion. I’m particularly excited for the brand to build on the impressive growth that Guinness 0.0 has seen since its launch, and using our status at the Official Non-Alcoholic Beer of the Premier League to lay the foundations for further global roll-out around the world.”

Stephen O’Kelly, Global Brand Director, Guinness said: “This partnership brings together two iconic global brands that are loved by communities all over the world, and we can’t wait to bring beautiful pints to the beautiful game. When the first ball is kicked off in August, Guinness will be building on its international legacy in sport with a new campaign reaching millions of fans, who follow and enjoy the Premier League in their own unique way across the globe.”

Please drink responsibly.

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