Firestone Walker Introduces Trailing West Pils Invitational Beer Fest Half Acre Collaboration

Image shows Firestone Walker’s Beer Fest Collaboration beer, Trailing West Pils. The text reads, “Introducing the new beer of the summer, Trailing West. This limited-edition pilsner is this year’s Firestone Walker Invitational Beer Festival signature, collaborative release made with our friends at Half Acre Beer Co. Available on draft in our taprooms very soon, you can also pick up a six-pack to take home starting today.” Click here to learn more.

Image shows Firestone Walker’s Beer Fest Collaboration beer, Trailing West Pils on the production line in our brewery in Paso Robles, CA. The text reads, “Ever since our first Invitational in 2012, the annual collaboration beer has been a centerpiece served at the event as well as at all Firestone Walker locations during the festival weekend.” Click here to read more.

Image also shows Firestone Walker’s Beer Fest Collaboration beer, Trailing West Pils. The text reads, “Available now at your nearest Firestone Walker Taproom.” Click here to learn more.

Paragraph reads, "The much-anticipated week is upon us—that’s right, the celebrations for Invitational 2024 are about to begin! We've got an exciting lineup ahead, starting with our daily Pub Crawl starting on Tuesday, May 28th, then our weekend kick-off with Block Fest on Friday May 31st, and so much more.   Whether you're a seasoned attendee or joining us for the first time, this year's Invitational is set to offer only the finest. Get all the details through the link below, and we hope to see all of you there!"

Image shows the poster art work for the 2024 Invitational schedule, which officially kicks off on May 28th with our Pub Crawl. The text above the poster reads, “You thought FWIBF was just an epic collaboration beer and a day of all-time fun? We’ve got a whole week of good times planned out for everyone who’s going to be staying in, living in, or just passing through Paso Robles around June 1st this year.” Click here to learn more.

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Founder, owner, author, graphic designer, CEO, CFO, webmaster, president, mechanic and janitor for Producer and Co-host of the WILK Friday BeerBuzz live weekly craft beer radio show. Small craft-brewer of the craft beer news sites and one-man-band with way too many instruments to play........Copyright 2007-2024 All Rights Reserved: Use of this content on ANY site without written permission is not allowed.

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