Mybeerbuzz .com Highlights The DrySee Waterproof Dressing (Review)

Mybeerbuzz .com Highlioghts The DrySee Waterproof Dressing (Review)

If you’ve followed along with any of my reviews, you know I work out every day, and whether it’s on the treadmill or running outside on the trails, there’s one common denominator…..blisters. Yes unfortunately I’m prone to getting blisters on my feet, and as I’m sure you’re familiar, a blister is no fun…especially if you continue working out.

Over the years I’ve tried everything from simple band-aids to fancy gauze and tape, but I’ve yet to find a solution…that is until I opened the box of DrySee waterproof liquid-indicating bandages.

If you aren’t familiar, DrySee is a pretty unique solution for blisters and wounds of all sorts. First off it is waterproof, so no more struggling to keep your bandage dry in the shower. Next up, and more importantly, DrySee has built-in indicators to let you know if your bandage did leak water. This ensures that you’ll be aware that your bandage is leaking BEFORE the leak reaches the blister or wound.

The theory behind DrySee is that it will lower costs by avoiding patient infection and avoiding the waste of additional bandages when they aren’t needed. DrySee also allows patients to shower sooner after a procedure and it reduces patient call-backs allowing them to self-assess their wound care.Mybeerbuzz .com Highlioghts The DrySee Waterproof Dressing (Review)

As you can image it’s not easy to review a bandage, but because I’ve also been testing out new running shoes, I managed to get a blister on my left foot. I used the DrySee 2-Inch Liquid Indicating bandage, and it was easy to peel and apply. The clear backing made the DrySee blend into my skin color and I quickly forgot it was even there.

The Dry See stayed dry overnight, and even the next day when I worked out, the Dry See remained dry through my sweaty workout and shower. This continued for another 2-days before I managed to dislodge the DrySee a bit in the shower. When I did that, the DrySee indicating bands quickly turned blue indicating it was time to remove the bandage and re-apply a new one.

Overall, the DrySee remained dry and secure on my foot for much longer that I expected, and had I been even more careful (or not working out), it would have lasted even longer. The DrySee was comfortable and unobtrusive, and best of all, it protected my blister for a pain-free and quick recovery.

DrySee bandages come in 2-inch, 4-inch and 5-inch x 10-inch sizes in boxes of 4 so get out there and try one for yourself….and when you do try them, be sure to let us know what YOU thinkzzubreebym

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