Anchor Brewing To Cease Operations–2023 Christmas Ale To Be Released

Anchor Brewing To Cease Operations–2023 Christmas Ale To Be ReleasedI’m sad to report that we’re losing one of the original craft breweries to open in the U.S. Anchor Brewing notified their employees last night that the brewery will be closing in 60-days.

"This was an extremely difficult decision that Anchor reached only after many months of careful evaluation. We recognize the importance and historic significance of Anchor to San Francisco and to the craft brewing industry, but the impacts of the pandemic, inflation, especially in San Francisco, and a highly competitive market left the company with no option but to make this sad decision to cease operations."

The brewery is currently not brewing any beer and sales will be limited to the California markets through July. For those asking, there will be a release of Our Special Ale (aka Anchor Christmas Ale) for 2023. This beer was apparently brewed early, before the decision was made to file bankruptcy and close it’s doors.

"Anchor has invested great passion and significant resources into the company.  Unfortunately, today's economic pressures have made the business no longer sustainable, and we had to make the heartbreaking decision to cease operations."

[Editor’s Note]:  Anchor was acquired by Sapporo Holdings in 2017 for $85 million.

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