Bagby Beer Releasing Corn Star Lager

Bagby Beer Releasing Corn Star Lager

From Bagby Beer:

It sorta feels a little like the unofficial/official summer kick off:

Sunday is apparently National Corn on the Cob Day  - who knew there was such a thing?   It is  therefore the perfect day to release ‘Corn Star’ our strong American lager brewed with 75 pounds of Indiana heirloom corn. Corn really is the star in this awesome beer!

We imported loads of this delicious corn,  air popped it and added it to the mash (side note: air popping this much corn is actually not as fun as it sounds as it turns out, but all’s well that ends well, and we’re glad we get to enjoy the beer now!)

So! We’re tapping this glorious 7.8% strong lager, and also popping some more of that heirloom corn as a special treat. Oh, and hot dogs!

Why not double down on the Americana and grill some dogs - be on the lookout for some fun city-based hot dogs - like the Seattle Dog (with sriracha, cream cheese, and pickled jalapeños), the Chicago Dog (with tomatoes, pickles, celery salt, sport peppers), the Tijuana Dog (bacon wrapped), and of course we’ll have the plain jane traditional (mustard, ketchup, onions). Veggie dogs will also be available.

Come see us!

Sunday June 11th • all day

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