Mybeerbuzz .com Highlights The Rare Beer Club Zipline Cherry Quad and The Bruery Mash & Coconut (Review)

Mybeerbuzz .com Highlights The Rare Beer Club Zipline Cherry Quad and The Bruery Mash & Coconut (Review)I’m proud to say that close to 25-years ago I received a Christmas gift from a family member to a “club” that shipped beer to your home. I remember my first reaction being how great it was to have beer delivered to your door, but little did I know that it would be so much more.

The club was called The Rare Beer Club and the “so much more” part was the incredible selection of beers that landed on my front porch with my first shipment.  I was expecting 12oz bottles of some U.S. micros or Euro lagers, but when I opened the box I was amazed. I don’t remember the exact beers, but I do remember being surprised to find not only 750ml bottles but also some really rare and unique U.S. and international beers. I was a member for many years and I’ll admit that some of the very best beers I was able to taste during my membership are still to this day some of my absolute favorites.

Jump forward 25-years and the club now operates five different club options in the beer sector as well as wine, cigar, cheese, chocolate, and flower subscription services….BUT The Rare Beer Club remains their premier line of delivered beers. First off, you can personalize your selection and only receive what you want and with breweries like Fantôme, Mikkeller, The Bruery, Zipline, Lost Abbey and Jester King, you can’t go wrong. Add in limited-release, celebratory beers, exclusive releases, barrel-aged beers, Brettanomyces beers, world-class sour ales, imperial and extreme beers—add in beers you can age and you have what I consider to be the premier beer club in the U.S.

Naturally I was excited to get another opportunity to sample some more club beers sent my way by Kris Calef from The Rare Beer Club…so off we go.image

The Bruery Mash & Coconut

ABV:  13.1%
Style:  Bourbon Barrel-Aged Barleywine
Packaging:  750ml Bottles
Appearance:  Deep ruby brown
Aroma:   Coconut, chocolate, vanilla & brown sugar
Mouthfeel:   Full-bodied, rich & smooth
Taste:   Coconut, chocolate, vanilla, dark fruit & cherry with a subtle Bourbon presence.
Overall:  The Bruery Mash & Coconut is a really big beer with a really complex mix of amazing flavors. The mildly boozy presence is quickly shaded by a mix of chocolate, coconut, vanilla, Bourbon and raisin. The balance and complexity work well together and this is a great beer to age or share with family & friends now.image

Zipline Brewing Cherry Quad

ABV:  10.7%
Style:  Belgian-Style Quad Ale With Balaton Cherries
Packaging:  750ml bottles
Appearance:  Deep reddish & ruby golden color
Aroma:   Sweet fresh cherries, citrus, dark fruit and a vanilla
Mouthfeel:   Full-bodied light syrupy & medium carbonation
Taste:   Sweet cherries, Belgian candi sugar, stone fruit, brown sugar, sweet vanilla & dark fruits.
Overall:  Cherry Quad has a really drinkable punch of sweet cherry and peach that I really loved. The beer has a wonderfully complex mix of sweet and dark fruits as well as a touch of brown sugar, toffee and vanilla. The beer has all of the classic Belgian-style quadruple flavors with a balance and complexity that will make you want to drink more.  I dare you to even try to age or share this one.

I can’t say enough about how much I enjoy selections from The Rare Beer Club. The variety of unusual and first-class rare bottles not only makes for great beer drinking, but also a really special surprise at your doorstep every month.  Add in that you can customize your selections and even compliment the beers with one of the other clubs and you have a really winning combination. Be sure to check out The Rare Beer Club for yourself, and when you do join (and you will) be sure to let us know what YOU think.

[Editor’s Note:] Stay tuned as I check out one of the other clubs…coming soon!

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