The Left Hand Brewing Foundation Announces ‘Stream for a Cause’

The Left Hand Brewing Foundation Announces ‘Stream for a Cause’From Left Hand:

LONGMONT, CO ., March 18, 2020 – Announced today, Stream for a Cause, presented by High Plains Bank and the Left Hand Brewing Foundation (LHBF), is a live streaming concert series premiering on Friday, March 20 at 7:00PM MST on the Left Hand Brewing Company Facebook page to raise funds for the newly created Hospitality Fund at the LHBF, a 501c3 nonprofit. The concert series will feature performances from Tierro Band Featuring Bridget Law (3/20), Foxfeather (3/21) and many more to be announced soon. The entire series will be hosted by local musician, artist coach, and performer extraordinaire Dango Rose, formerly of Elephant Revival.

Thanks to the generous support of local sponsors including High Plains Bank, St. Vrain Realty, Airgas, Plante Moran, and Shirazi Benefits, the live streams will not only provide a guaranteed paycheck to the bands participating and their crew but will raise donations earmarked to provide aid and assistance to employees in the Longmont and Boulder County hospitality industry over the upcoming weeks and months. Instructions on how to donate to the cause will be made available through the live stream or you can choose to donate now.

“Concerts and music are typically a social experience and even though many are self-quarantining and staying home, it’s important that we still feel that human connection, and there is nothing more powerful than great music,” said Eric Kean, LHBF Executive Director. “We plan to work with key stakeholders in the restaurant and hospitality industries to determine the best way to deliver the funds to those who need it most.”

As Stream for a Cause launches, the number one priority is safety for the musicians, crew and surrounding community. During the rehearsal and production process all CDC and local guidelines will be followed, including social distancing, even on stage and limiting the number of people in the space to no more than 10. Additionally, there will be a crew member staffed specifically to disinfect and clean the space every hour, including everything from microphones to door handles.

Stream for a Cause will feature full bands with the highest quality pro-audio and video gear, as well as in-depth content curated by Dango Rose. “I plan to delve deeply into the story behind the song, while encouraging each of us to open up about our process and shared humanity as artists during these challenging times. The Left Hand Foundation has set the framework to provide a live concert experience that would be impossible in any other format,” Rose said. “The fundraising and community support of our live music network is vitally important to us but so too is keeping a sense of unity and normalcy during these challenging times.”

The concept of Stream for a Cause came after the LHBF postponed one of their major festivals scheduled for May. Conversations with organizers and the Left Hand community led to the question, how can we help keep the entertainment and hospitality industries afloat during this unprecedented time?

“Stream for a Cause isn’t the whole solution, but our hope is that if we can make a dent, even a small one, that we can help make a difference,” said Kean. "The biggest win from this program would be to see it recreated in new ways in communities across the country, across the world.”

For any venue owner, nonprofit or sponsor interested in getting involved or recreating something similar, please contact For more information on Stream for a Cause, the live stream schedule, band information and more, please visit or follow the Left Hand Brewing Foundation on Facebook.

About the Left Hand Brewing Foundation

Founded in 2016 to support Left Hand Brewing Company’s charitable giving, the Left Hand Brewing Foundation (LHBF) is a 501c3 committed to brewing a stronger community where we work, live, and play. The LHBF supports primary needs, community support groups, arts and cultural activities, housing projects, medical research and responds to issues and emergencies in the Longmont community and beyond. All event proceeds, sponsorship revenue, and donations from Left Hand Brewing Foundation events benefit the LHBF and its beneficiaries. To learn more, please visit

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