Schell’s Fort Road Porter Coming To 12oz Cans / Nordic IPA / Cream Ale / Shift Happens / Starkeller / Maibock / Braised
This morning we have a new can coming from August Schell Brewery in New Ulm, MN. This is Fort Road Porter and it will be an English-style brown porter that is brewed with locally-grown barley (the barley is grown on Fort Rd). This is the 12oz Crown can and stay tuned for AbV and release details. I’ve also added the Stag Series Nordic IPA 12oz can, Shift Happens DDH lager (16oz cans, 9%-AbV, 80 IBU), Static Transmission Starkeller mixed-culture Berlin-style wheat ale aged in wood (7%-Abv, 3.4 IBU, 375ml bottles), Stag Series Maibock 2020 (12oz bottles), Braised small-batch Rum barrel-aged dark lager Restaurant Week winter 2020 edition (12oz cans, 8.5%-AbV) & Cream Ale (4.7%-AbV, 20 IBU, 12oz cans).

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