Indeed Brewing Changes Wholesaler Network in North Dakota & Western Minnesota

Indeed Brewing Changes Wholesaler Network in North Dakota and Western MinnesotaFrom Indeed Brewing:

MINNEAPOLIS, MN, JUNE 19, 2018—Indeed Brewing Company announces new wholesale distribution partnerships with D-S Beverages, Dakota Sales Co., H. Boyd Nelson, McQuade Distributing, and Magic City Beverage Co., who were selected to distribute their portfolio of beers through North Dakota and Western Minnesota.

“We’re very much looking forward to be re-launching our brand in North Dakota with our new distributor partners. My business partner Tom and I both have roots here in North Dakota, and we’re committed to this market,” says Nathan Berndt, co-founder of Indeed Brewing Company. “We made the changes necessary to ensuring our commitment to fresh, high quality beer is delivered to our customers here.”
The transition begins this week, with an influx of fresh beer into the market. With the help of its new partners and their talented retail sales teams, the company looks forward to introducing a tailored collection beers including Lucy Session Sour, Peach Bum IPA, and Mexican Honey Imperial Lager to Western Minnesota and North Dakota.

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