North Coast Old Stock Ale Returns For 2018

North Coast Old Stock Ale Returns For 2018From North Coast:

While we released our first Old Stock Ale in the year 2000, our interest in the “Old Ale” brewing style dates back to a time in the 1990’s, when the last of the classic English old ales had nearly disappeared from the market.
Inspired by this beer's history and saddened that the brewing and aging of Old Ale was nearly an extinct art, we decided to create some “stock ale” of our own. Nineteen vintages later, it's safe to say that our experiment in brewing an ageable beer was a success!
Read the whole story here.

Our 2018 Old Stock Ale is available now. While it is drinkable right away, Old Stock is brewed to improve with time. It mellows with age, just like we do!
We recommend tasting some of this year's vintage with a pairing of Parmigiano-Reggiano or English Farmhouse Cheddar, and then putting the rest away for awhile.
Read our blog to learn about aging Old Ale at home.

Vital Statistics

STYLE: Old Ale
COLOR: Mahogany
ABV: 12%

Pick up some Old Stock Ale at better beer stores near you, or ask your local retailer to stock this historical brew.

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