Council Brewing & Modern Times Collaborate On Modern Magic

Council Brewing & Modern Times Collaborate On Modern MagicFrom Council Brewing & Modern Times:

Council Brewing Company, in collaboration with Modern Times, is proud to present…

Modern Magic, a Golden Sour Ale, Aged in an Oak Foeder with Tangerines, Peaches, Nectarines, and Vanilla Beans.
Embracing our Community and Craftsmanship ethos, we partnered with Modern Times Beer to marry our collective brewing powers and cultures into a face-meltingly, oak foeder-aged sour beer. Our magical, second-use peaches and nectarines tag teamed with Modern Times Beer’s funky radness to create a majestic platform for the tangerines and vanilla to shine through to create a high-fiving blend of awesomeness.
When all the flavors come together, this beer has the culinary components of a refined dessert. The toasty Vienna malt provides our savory note. The tangerine and acidity from our fermentation are balanced by the caramelized wood sugars of the foeder and the sweetness of the vanilla. The peach and nectarine flavors are elaborated on with the esters produced by the yeast in our collective house cultures. We hope you enjoy drinking this beer as much as we enjoyed the process of making it.
Modern Magic will be released in the Council Brewing Tasting Room on Saturday, January 20th at 11am. We will have it available on draft, as well as bottles for the release party.
If you are unable to celebrate with us on release day, bottles can be purchased in our
online store (starting TODAY January 18th, 2018 at 12pm) with Tasting Room pick up starting January 20th or we can ship your bottles within California (shipping fees apply).
To find our more about how this awesome collaboration came to fruition, check out
our blog.

Secure My Bottles

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