Free Will - The Kragle IPA 12oz Cans, More Structure, Cloudy2, Micro Manager, Sexy Goodies, Chasing The Dragon, Freshie, Orange-Colored Malcontent, PV Fest, Crisper, C.O.B., Industrio Rustique, Wildhack, Special Cookie, Saison de Rose, Lord Business, Love Letter From The 90’s, Cloudy With a Chance of Charcuterie, Blue Farm, Iron Abbey & Provisional Funk w/Cherries Bottles

imageThis looks to be a new can coming from Free Will Brewing in Perkasie, PA.  This is The Kragle IPA and the beer will remain at 6.6%-AbV and 90 IBU.  This is a 12oz can.   We also have Provisional Funk w/Cherries barrel-aged saison w/brettanomyces and cherries added (8.9%-AbV, 16.9oz bottles), Cloudy2 New England-style IPA brewed with Levante Brewing (6.7%-AbV, 16oz cans, July 13th release), Micro Manager New England-style IPA (4.5%-AbV, 12oz cans), Sexy Goodies New England-style IPA (8.5%-AbV, 80 IBU, 16oz cans), Chasing The Dragon imperial IPA (11.2%-AbV, 180.5 IBU, 16oz can), Freshie wet-hopped IPA brewed with Sunny Brae hops harvested 8/16/17 (6.5%-AbV, 16oz cans with new Independent Craft Seal), Orange-Colored Malcontent DIPA conditioned on fresh oranges (9.5%-AbV), PV FestMarzen-style lager (6%-AbV, 20 IBU, 16oz cans), Crisper Kolsch-style ale (4.4%-AbV, 27 IBU, 16oz cans), C.O.B. coffee oatmeal brown ale (8.3%-AbV, 20 IBU, 16oz cans), Industrio Rustique Belgian-style dark ale age din foudres and Rum barrels (9.6%-AbV, 16.9oz bottles), Wildhack barrel-aged sour brown ale with blueberries (7.4%-AbV, 16.9oz bottles), Special Cookieimperial spiced brown ale with cardamom, brown sugar, cinnamon, ginger and vanilla (12.5%-AbV, 21.5 IBU, 16oz cans), Saison de Rose oak barrel-aged farmhouse ale with fruits and spices (6%-AbV, 750ml), Lord Business DIPA (8.9%-AbV, 171 IBU, 16oz cans), Love Letter From The 90’s imperial India cream ale with oats, milk sugar and triple dry-hopped with Galaxy, Mosaic and Citra hops (7%-AbV, 16oz cans), Cloudy With a Chance of Charcuterie New England-style IPA with oats and milk sugar (7%-AbV, 78 IBU, 16oz cans), Blue Farm farmhouse ale with blueberries, coconut and milk sugar (5.8%-AbV, 30 IBU, 750ml bottle), Iron Abbey Imperial Stout double barrel-aged with coconut and cacao nibs (16.7%-AbV, 750ml bottle), Rum Barrel-Aged Special Cookie 2018 (12.8%-AbV, 750ml bottle) & More Structure New England-style IPA (7%-AbV, 16oz cans).image Free Will Brewing Special Cookie 16oz CansimageimageimageimageimageimageimageFree Will Orange-Colored Malcontent Free Will Brewing PV FestFree Will Brewing Crisperimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimage

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