East End Brewing Bigger Hop DIPA Limited Release 1/13

imageFrom East End:

Bigger Hop Double IPA is here and to celebrate we’re releasing some in 16oz cans! They’ll be sold in packs of 4 for $12 at the Brewery, starting when our doors at 4pm this Friday, January 13. They’ll have been canned literally that morning, and even though this is a small test run, this is the freshest packaged beer we’ve ever been able to offer you!

This year's BiggerHop is 9.5% and brewed with Amarillo and Simcoe hops on a simple base of pilsner malt and a bit of cane sugar, fermented with something OTHER than our usual house yeast strain. It's also been dry-hopped twice during fermentation, and now is quietly maturing in the fermenter in anticipation of Friday's small canning run. The timing has worked out pretty perfectly on this, so we're excited to get this beer into your hands, your glasses, and your mouths!

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