BrewDog Announces Equity For Punks USA Bet It All (Or Lose It All) Investing

From BrewDog:

You can invest in BrewDog USA by clicking here

In 2009, we tore up convention and reinvented small business finance with Equity for Punks. And with one crazy bet, we are going to shake the yawn-inducing financial establishment to its foundations.

For too long Wall Street has gambled with your money. Now, we are going to put you in the driver's seat. We are introducing the most audacious and unconventional way to invest in a business since the dawn of time.

We are giving you the opportunity to buy a gamble share.

Invest your money. Choose black or choose red, and we will take all the gambled share money to a casino and spin the wheel. Streaming the action live online for you to watch.

One spin, potentially millions of dollars on the line.

If we win, you double your equity. If we don’t, you lose it. But you'll keep all your Equity for Punks benefits for life. And you get to join us on this crazy ride.

This is investment. Bigger. Faster. Amplified.

This is not about taking a chance. This is about taking a stand. A stand for independence. A stand for rebellion. A stand for non-conformity.

This is not normal investing. This is not corporate America. This is not Wall Street. This is not a coked up Leonardo DiCaprio in an expensive suit.

This is Equity for Punks USA.

Wanna get involved? Here’s how:

  1. Invest in Equity for Punks USA by December 28th 2016. Or, if you’ve already invested, decide how many of your shares you wanna take a chance on.
  2. Once you’ve invested, you’ll get an email within 24 hours with a link to the online "betting slip". Enter your details, choose red or black, and specify the number of shares in BrewDog USA you wish to “gamble".
  3. Watch us “gamble" your shares, live, in February 2017.
  4. See your investment double in an instant, or watch us crash and burn at the casino.

We’ll be posting regular updates on what people are voting - Red or Black - via @BrewDogUSA on Twitter and on our facebook pages. The big bet will be open for four weeks, so be sure to get your application for shares in along with your funds, and your “bets" placed, by December 28th!

About MyBeer Buzz

Founder, owner, author, graphic designer, CEO, CFO, webmaster, president, mechanic and janitor for Producer and Co-host of the WILK Friday BeerBuzz live weekly craft beer radio show. Small craft-brewer of the craft beer news sites and one-man-band with way too many instruments to play........Copyright 2007-2025 All Rights Reserved: Use of this content on ANY site without written permission is not allowed.

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