Grimm Artisan - Field Rotation Berliner Weisse, Light Year DIPA, Signal To Noise, Tesseract, Sumi Ink, Sumi Zest, In Mid-Air, Zap IPA, Skyspace, Sugarmaker, Candlepower, Blackberry Orange Pop, William Of Ockham, Neon Lights, Magnetic Tape, Halftone, Mango Pop!, Super Shine, Passion Dome, Super You, Living Daylights, Sumi Cacao, Power Source, Boysen Raspberry Pop!, CAPSLOCK, Power Pop!, Pineapple Pop!, Kites Are Fun, Striking, Sunshine Pop!, Lilt, Flow State, Future Days, Zap, Cassiopeia, Secret Track, Galaxy Pop!, Icing On The Cake, Cherry Raspberry Pop!, New Age, Passionfruit Pop!, Apricot Pop!, Citra Pop!, Tracery, Super Crush, Amarillo Pop!, Air And Light, Tom Tom, Sunroof, Mosaic Pop!, Lumen & Castling

This is Field Rotation from Grim Artisan Ales.  This Berliner Weisse style sour is brewed with oats, rye and clover flowers and the beer will hit 4.5%-AbV.  This is the 22oz bottle.  We also have Light Year DIPA (8%-AbV), Sumi Ink imperial stout aged in Bourbon barrels with vanilla (13.5%-AbV), In Mid-Air DIPA (8%-AbV), Sumi Zest imperial stout brewed with orange zest and vanilla (11.5%-AbV), Zap IPA (6.3%-AbV, 16oz cans), Skyspace dry-hopped sour ale brewed with raspberries (5%-AbV, 22oz bottles), Sugarmaker imperial milk stout brewed with vanilla and maple syrup (11.5%-AbV), Candlepower Farmhouse Ale brewed with sage and peppercorns (8%-AbV), Blackberry Orange Pop! sour ale brewed with blackberries, vanilla, lactose and orange zest (5%-AbV), William Of Ockham golden sour ale aged in oak barrels (5%-AbV), Neon Lights farmhouse pale ale (5.5%-AbV), Magnetic Tape IPA (6.3%-AbV), Halftone IPA (6.3%-AbV), Mango Pop! desert Berliner weisse-style ale brewed with mango, vanilla and lactose (4.8%-AbV), Super Shine dry-hopped gose (4.7%-AbV), Passion Dome (5.5%-AbV), Super You (5.3%-AbV), Living Daylights (5.8%-AbV), Sumi Cacao imperial stout brewed with vanilla and cacao (10.2%-AbV) Power Source Barrier Brewing collaboration DIPA brewed with mangoes (8%-AbV, 16oz cans), Boysen Raspberry Pop! dessert Berliner Weisse with boysenberries, raspberries, vanilla and milk sugar (4.8%-AbV), CAPSLOCK American pale ale (5.5%-AbV), Power Pop! dry-hopped dessert Berliner weisse style ale brewed with vanilla and milk sugar (4.8%-AbV), Pineapple Pop! (4.8%-AbV), Kites Are Fun  double dry-hopped imperial IPA (8%-AbV), Striking  double dry-hopped imperial IPA (8%-AbV), Sunshine Pop1 dry-hopped dessert Berliner Weisse style ale brewed with lemongrass, vanilla and milk sugar (4.8%-AbV, 22oz bottles), Lilt golden sour ale aged in oak barrels with Montmorency cherries (6%-AbV, 750ml), Flow State golden sour ale age din orange bitters barrels and dry-hopped with Galaxy hops (6%-AbV, 750ml), Future State golden sour ale aged in oak barrels and dry-hopped with Mosaic hops (6%-AbV, 750ml), Zap double dry-hopped imperial IPA (8%-AbV, 16oz cans), Cassiopeia  American porter brewed with candi sugar (10%-AbV, 22oz bottle), Secret Track grisette ale (4.5%-AbV),Galaxy Pop! dry-hopped dessert Berliner Weisse style ale brewed with Galaxy hops, vanilla and milk sugar (4.8%-AvB, 22oz bottle), Icing On The Cake imperial milk stout brewed with vanilla and cacao (10%-AbV, 22oz bottle), Cherry Raspberry Pop! dessert Berliner Weisse style ale brewed with tart cherries, raspberries, vanilla and milk sugar (4.8%-AbV, 22oz bottle), New Age DIPA (8%-AbV, 16oz cans), Passionfruit Pop! (4.8%-AbV, 22oz bottles), Apricot Pop! (4.8%-AbV, 22oz bottles), Citra Pop! (4.8%-AbV, 22oz bottle), Tracery blended mixed fermentation farmhouse ale (6%-AbV, 750ml bottle), Super Crush dry-hopped gose with raspberries (4.7%-AbV, 22oz bottles), Amarillo Pop! (4.8%-AbV, 2018 release, 22oz bottles), Tesseract DIPA (8%-AbV, 16oz cans), Signal To Noise DIPA (8%-AbV, 16oz cans), Air And Light dry-hopped sour ale with tart cherries (5%-AbV, 16oz can), Sunroof IPA (6.3%-AbV, 16oz cans), Tom Tom DIPA (8%-AbV, 16oz cans), Mosaic Pop! Berliner Weisse-style ale brewed with Mosaic hops, vanilla and milk sugar (4.8%-AbV, 22oz bottles, June 2018), Lumen IPA (6.4%-AbV, 16oz cans) & Castling bitter farmhouse pale ale (5.5%-AbV, 22oz bottle). imageimageimageimageimageimageimageimage
imageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageGrimm Kites Are Fun imageimageimageimageimageimage

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