Half Acre - Navaja DIPA Returns 7/3

From Half Acre:

Navaja Double India Pale Ale returns to the docket this Friday. A summer holiday beer if ever there was one. Propping up its 10% ABV, Navaja is buttered thick with Golden Promise. The barley bulge on this will register. Climbing aboard the Seesaw are the earth’s tropical hop sensations, jamming their end into the ground and bouncing back to center. Expect a large-scale Double India Pale Ale, rough-cut and pounded-out into a brew that’s all American freedom. Happy Fourth of July ~ pour yourself some Navaja and celebrate the luxuries most easily taken for granted.
Half Acre  Beer Co
Chicago, IL


  • release date: 7/3/15
  • 22oz bottle: $9.99
  • 64oz growler refill: $20
  • 32oz howler refill: $11
  • 16oz pour: $7

{don't forget - our shop & tap room close at 5pm on Saturday, July 4th}

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