Pilsner Urquell Releasing Limited Edition Cans

From Pilsner Urquell:

These are not vintage cans, they are newly crafted designs that draw from our rich and storied history, nearly 200 years of packaging, tavern signs, and cask marks.

Each can references specific instances in Pilsner Urquell’s long history, and we encourage you to use  the “key” included in our attached sell sheet to begin exploring the various facets and stories that we have packed into each individual design.

Pilsner Urquell began as the humble dream of a few determined citizens who banded together to create a citizen’s brewery and create a wholly new kind of beer.  Our Limited Edition Cans are our way of telling that story in a wholly new kind of way.

The cans are sold in four packs, with the first round of four designs currently available in stores and the second round debuting in July. Please let me know your interest in featuring the cans and I can send high res images or any other information you need. 


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