Oakshire Brewing Releases Hermanne 1882 Belgian Ale Bottles

From Oakshire:

Oakshire Brewing has released their Brewer’s Reserve Hermanne 1882 Belgian Ale in celebration of Eugene Beer Week.  Only 50 cases will be released exclusively at the Public House.

Hermanne 1882 is a Belgian-style golden ale matured with Muller Thurgau grapes and Brettanomyces in pinot noir barrels. Both the grapes and barrels were sourced from Oregon’s Anne Amie Vineyards. It is light, crisp, and effervescent with a complex fruity middle and a dry tannic finish. This beer/wine hybrid is a first for Oakshire and a testament to the innovative beers produced by Matt Van Wyk and Oakshire’s brewing team. Of the project, Van Wyk said, “I’ve always wanted to work with grapes when making beer and I went into the planning with Champagne as the inspiration. When we partnered with Head Wine- maker Thomas at Anne Amie, I knew we could transform the grapes and beer into something fantastic.”

Oakshire gave a sneak peak at the Brewers Association’s premier food and beer event, SAVOR, on May 9th and 10th in Washington D.C. The audience gave great reviews and some publications even named it their favorite beer of the event. “We were thrilled to pour this very limited and very unique barrel aged beer right along side our year-round Overcast Espresso Stout. The quality and variety of beer coming out of our brewery is really exciting,” noted founder Jeff Althouse.

Oakshire Brewing’s Hermanne 1882 will be on draft and in 750 ml bottles at the Public House at 207 Madison beginning at 6pm on June 3, 2014.

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