Dogfish Head To Brew Saison du Buff Alone w/New Recipe for 2014 (Coming 6/20)

From Dogfish Head:

Saison du BUFF, the three-way saison from Victory Brewing Co., Stone Brewing Co. and Dogfish Head Craft Brewery, is changing its tune.

Since 2010, the members of BUFF (Brewers United for Freedom of Flavor) have put out a pair of three-pronged releases of this herbaceous beer. Both times, each company brewed and bottled a saison with parsley, sage, rosemary and lemon thyme, relying on serendipity and nuance to give the different versions their own flavor profile.

Brewday with the Saison du BUFF herbs post-boil.

For the 2014 Saison du BUFF release, Dogfish Head is grabbing the guitar and going solo. This time around, expect the unexpected, as Dogfish puts its off-centered thumbprint on the recipe.

“We’re honored to take first dibs at the Saison du BUFF solo,” says Dogfish founder and President Sam Calagione. “Our version is gonna go to 11.”

In 2015, the axe will be passed, and Victory will put its spin on Saison du BUFF, and in 2016, Stone will take over and bring it home as only Stone can.

“It’s gonna be fun getting the band back together,” says Bill Covaleski, Victory’s president and brewmaster. “Maybe we could get Rush to play our reunion gig.”

“We’re looking forward to 2016,” says Stone CEO and founder Greg Koch. “But until then, it’s safe to say that Saison du BUFF is in good hands.”

Each version of Saison du BUFF will be distributed by the brewery it originates.

The Dogfish 2014 release of Saison du BUFF will hit our Tasting Room and brewpub on Friday, June 20th. The beer will begin heading to our wholesalers for retail shelves and taps in late June as well.

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