The Alchemist Focal Banger & Holy Cow IPA Cans Coming 4/19

From The Alchemist:

Our next ‘pop up’ truck sale will be this Saturday, April 19 at Pilgrim Park and Railroad Street in Waterbury (the old station lumber site; next to the train station).

We are going to begin a bit earlier this time around so that our sale coincides well with Lawson’s Finest Bottle Release which begins at 2pm.  Sean has informed us that he will begin handing out tickets at noon.

Our plan is to begin the sale at 9am; we should be done by 11am.  This will give beer tourists enough time to get through line and get to the Mad River Valley with plenty of time to spare.

Our previous two sales haves gone off without a hitch. The early arrivals have been very respectful of our neighbors. We have been successful with having most people park right across the tracks from the train station. This leaves us with a clear parking lot in which to get started on setting up the sale. When we are ready to begin the sale, we will once again lead you over to the start of the line.

Thank you for being so respectful to your fellow beer enthusiasts.

So, here is the lowdown on our upcoming sale:

holy_cow_logo-01People have been asking that we brew Holy Cow again, so here you go…

We will be selling Holy Cow IPA and Focal Bangermixed cases.  Limit is 1 case per person.  This case will include 3 four packs of each IPA.   The cost will be $75/case, tax and deposit included. Four-packs will also be available for $13. Limit 3 four-packs per person of each style. Please keep in mind, this will be a CASH ONLY sales event.

We will have more beer to sell than at any of our previous sales. We anticipate having about 350 mixed cases.  We will also have an additional 100 cases of Heady Topper to sell.

hcow_tcard_BACK_ver1Everyone will be allowed to purchase a full case of each until we run out.  Once you pass through the line with your initial purchase, you are welcome to get back in at the end of the line.  It is very likely that we will have additional cases to sell.

Once again, DJ Rekkon will be providing music and Green Mountain Coffee Roasters will be donating free coffee to make your wait in line more enjoyable.

We will be selling limited edition Holy Cow screenprints for $5.  We will also be selling our new DB tee shirts.

Profits from this sale will be going to the Waterbury-Duxbury Education Fund.  Through this fund, we are able to award scholarships to seniors graduating from Harwood Union High School.

About MyBeer Buzz

Founder, owner, author, graphic designer, CEO, CFO, webmaster, president, mechanic and janitor for Producer and Co-host of the WILK Friday BeerBuzz live weekly craft beer radio show. Small craft-brewer of the craft beer news sites and one-man-band with way too many instruments to play........Copyright 2007-2025 All Rights Reserved: Use of this content on ANY site without written permission is not allowed.

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