Sudwerk To Release First Two Brewers Cut Beers 2/21

From Sudwerk:

Sudwerk Brewing will celebrate the release of the first two of its rare Brewers Cut series of beers at a free event Friday at its taproom, The Dock Store.

These specialty beers, brewed in small batches and aged in wine or bourbon barrels, are the first two of Sudwerk’s new Brewers Cut series. Each 500-ml bottle is hand labeled, wax-dipped and signed by the brewer.

In December, when the brewery offered its first rare beer membership ­­— guaranteeing access to these barrel-aged lagers, ales and sours — it sold out within days. However, small quantities of the bottles are available to the public at The Dock, 2001 Second St., Davis. The draft availability is rare as well. Find it at the taproom and at select accounts in Davis and Sacramento. Just nine cases of the bottles and nine five-gallon kegs were produced of each beer.

Admission to the Brewers Cut Release Party, from 4 to 8 p.m. on Friday, is free, and features the following beers:

· Diddly Flanders: A barrel-fermented sour with a sultry red hue. It’s brewed with conditioned landrace hops, allowing the wild yeast and bacteria to shine. (6.75% ABV)

· California Wild Péche Saison: This Belgian-style tart was secondary fermented in a petite sirah French oak barrel. It has a golden hue, and was aged on 12 pounds of local peaches with souring microbes, resulting in a tart, fruity sensation. (6.5% ABV)

“By blending styles and varying brewing techniques, we create new beer styles. These represent our region, and introduce people to a new world of flavors that they’ve never experienced before,” said Ryan Fry, co-owner of Sudwerk Brewery. “We’re trying to change how people view and drink beer. It’s the brewer’s passion and creativity at work.”

While these innovative beers appeal to brew aficionados, they’re also a stepping stone for novices and wine drinkers. The subtle and balanced flavors provide a “smooth, sessionable drinking experience,” Fry said. “Beer is not one-dimensional; it has a lot more flavors than most people expect.”

Starting in March, Brewers Cut beers will be released each month, including:

· March: Apricot Solera aged in a wine barrel

· April: California Wild Blackberry Saison aged in a wine barrel

· May: Sour Oatmeal Stout aged in a bourbon barrel

· June: Uncle Fester, a sour Doppelbock

As quantities increase in future batches, club membership will expand to a waiting list. To add your name to the list, email Members receive a bottle each month and a 15 percent discount on additional Brewers Cut purchases.

For details on these and other upcoming Sudwerk Brewing Co. events, visit

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