About MyBeer Buzz

Founder, owner, author, graphic designer, CEO, CFO, webmaster, president, mechanic and janitor for mybeerbuzz.com. Producer and Co-host of the WILK Friday BeerBuzz live weekly craft beer radio show. Small craft-brewer of the craft beer news sites and one-man-band with way too many instruments to play........Copyright 2007-2025 mybeerbuzz.com All Rights Reserved: Use of this content on ANY site without written permission is not allowed.

WILK Friday BeerBuzz–20 Jan 2023–Bl...

WILK Friday BeerBuzz–13 Jan 2023–So...

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Wayne Wambles is a rock star of the craft beer world and we were proud and happy to have him on our show today!
ReplyDeleteJai Alai IPA is great and with all the talk of Cigar City going on it made me want a cigar to go along with Jai Alai but I'll take care of that when I get home!
Thanks Wayne, thanks Bill from MyBeerBuzz.com, and thank you for listening!
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I tuned in late but I caught the entire guest. I love Jai Alai and I was going to send in a suggestion to you since you always love hops. What a great bonus to get to hear Wayne Wambles too. Thank U
ReplyDeleteRyan W
I drove to Tampa for Hunaphu day and brought back more Jai Alai than anything. I'm really glad to see it in cans and great find for WILK getting Wayne on the air in NEPA. Cheers!
Does Sabatinis have Jai Alai?
ReplyDeleteYes you can find Cigar City Jai Alai (and other CIgar City beers) at Sabatinis
Thank you. I love any excuse to visit Sabatinis for pizza & beer. Anyone up for lunch (or dinner) at Sabs today?
I'm going for lunch. I'll be in a blue shirt and Yankees hat
I always buy Jai Alai! Nice to hear Wayne on the show.
Hi WILK. I'm pretty new to good beer, but I always go to Sabs. I didn't realize you had such a great selection of beer. Now I can't wait to go back. I smell happy hour!
I have trouble finding Cigar City. Their Cucumber Saison was an absolute favorite beer but I can't find it. I'll definitely try Jai Alai and I'll have to try Sabatinis too. I get their take out but I've never been in to check on Cigar City.
ReplyDeleteGreg J
I visited Cigar City in 2012 after a cruise. I think it is one of my favorite breweries. I didn't get a chance to meet Wayne at the brewery so thank you for having him on the show. He obviously knows his beer.
I've been looking for Cigar City Tocobaga Red and Maduro Brown. Will Sabatinis have those?
ReplyDeleteTheir bottle list is on-line:
but I'll tell you it changes so rapidly I'd recommend stopping down. Ask for the bottle list and/or ask for Lindo.
Five beers for Five years!! an an American Barley wine with no American ingredients. Great video and really great guest!
Double good today. I think Cigar City is one of my favorites and to get to hear their brewmaster is an A+ Nice!
I want to try that Hopped on the High Seas. Is it available yet? Amy
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen it yet, but there will be different version with different hops....and if anyone is going to get it, it will be Sabatinis!
ReplyDeleteI'm watching the video now. It's no Yule Log hotties, but it's pretty good. Jeff
ReplyDeleteJai Alai is a beer I bought for years in bottles. I didn't know about the cans until you mentioned it and I haven't seen it in bottles so that makes sense. Thanks for the show. Paul J
ReplyDeleteSabatinis is the perfect pairing for the Friday Beer Buzz. Thanks for having him on. I stop down there all the time and boy does he know his beer. I bought some really fantastic beer down there and the tap events are outstanding. Rob
ReplyDeleteWayne Wambles makes some of my favorite beer. I've never heard him do an interview so today was a first. I have a case of Jai Alai so I'll toast you tonight.
I had lunch at Sabatinis. You should see what they have on tap! How did I not know about this?!!!!! TY