Bud Light: Why Platinum & Lime-A-Rita Killed Golden Wheat

From AdvertisingAge:

The key is to make sure that it all ties back into the essence of what Bud Light is all about. Bud Light is a fun, social, spontaneous brand. It's all about having fun with your friends. If you look at Bud Light Golden Wheat, I don't know that we executed that exactly the way it was intended. That came off as much more serious and much more of a craft beer, and that wasn't something consumers were looking for from Bud Light.

But Bud Light Platinum is all about fun and sociability in slightly higher-end, more sophisticated occasions. We are far exceeding our sales expectations with that brand because the concept is true to what Bud Light is all about.

Who does Lime-A-Rita target? Is it aimed at females?

It's co-ed. It's more of an occasion than a consumer demographic. It's for that occasion when [you] are looking for something slightly sweeter, very refreshing beverage. [Or] that occasion where they might want a margarita ... but can't really have it because it's not convenient to bring multiple ingredients and a blender somewhere.  Full article here.

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