Oskar Blues Will CAN Spirits (Organic Agave Nectar &Whiskey) & CAN Root Beer (Brian Stiff)

imageIn an interview with the Longmont, CO Times Call, Chad Melis from Oskar Blues said that Oskar Blues will soon be distilling spirits: 

The stills have been ordered and the federal licensing agreements are in process for Lyons Soul Distilling LLC, the latest venture for Oskar Blues Brewery. Plans are for the distillery to be up and running by this summer… and We’re going to CAN some spirits too. 

He said he's ordered a couple of different brands of stills and will experiment with making different things with them. "Play around with it -- kind of like the way we do with special-batch beers," he said.

The first two products planned for Lyons Soul Distilling will be an Organic Agave Nectar using locally produced Madhava honey, and a whiskey made from brewery mash that will be aged for two years in French white oak barrels.  In addition to canning spirits, the company also said it will begin canning the root beer it has sold at its restaurants for the past few years. A press Oskar Blues put out said the root beer "will be named in tribute to Brian Stiff, a Lyons local and father of two who unexpectedly passed away a little over a week ago.

    (For the full Times Call story click Here)

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