Southern Star Brewing Adds Conspiracy Theory IPA Cans Year-Round

imageFrom Southern Star Brewing:

Over the past few weeks, a conspiracy has been brewing in Conroe at Southern Star Brewery. Talks of said conspiracy have been floating around for weeks with pressure to release to the public. We held out as long as we could, but we just can’t contain something this major anymore.

Introducing our newest brew, Conspiracy Theory IPA.

It’s a 6.5% ABV India Pale Ale with Amarillo
and Simcoe hops dominating both flavor and aroma.
A light, but noticeable caramel malt backbone boosts
the drinkability of this true West-coast style IPA. Available all year round, this beer is questionably delicious. Hitting shelves near you VERY soon!
‪#‎questioneverything‬ ‪#‎conspiracytheory‬

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