Riverbend Malt House Debuts Certified Regenified Malt

Riverbend Malt House Debuts Certified Regenified Malt

ASHEVILLE, NC — After becoming the first malt house to become third-party certified for regenerative agriculture in 2024, Riverbend Malt House is delighted to introduce Regenified™ Southern Select. This malted 2-row barley product is crafted from Southern grown Certified Regenified™ Avalon barley.

Regenified is a practice and outcomes-based land verification and product certification program. Its framework recognizes the impact farms and brands have by growing and sourcing regeneratively grown products, supporting practices that restore ecosystems, build soil and water health, and increase biodiversity.  Certified Regenified farms include Harborview Farms in Rock Hall, Maryland, the beautiful climate smart grain farm that grew the Avalon barley Riverbend malted to create this new product for sustainably minded brewers and distillers.

Regenified Southern Select has aromas of sugar cookie, melon, and honey in the finished malt. Its mouthfeel is rich, exhibiting a creaminess not often encountered in typical Pale Ale style malt. This product is the first of what’s to come from Riverbend as more Certified Regenified™ grain becomes available. As a Certified Regenified malt house, Riverbend manages, stores, and processes certified grains to retain full traceability.

This supply chain transparency is an important value at ag-centric Fullsteam Brewery in Durham, where they will soon can their first-ever Certified Regenified beer, Reset: ESB (Extra Special Bitter) . “Reset: ESB is packed with wonderful caramel and toffee notes,” says Jon Simpson, Director of Brewery Operations at Fullsteam. “The malt’s honey sweetness balances out the beer’s earthy hop bitterness. It’s rich, flavorful, and balanced- it's everything I wanted in this classic beer style. Add in the environmental and positive global impacts and it’s just an all around win.”

Fullsteam is also seeking  to expand its range of Certified Regenified products this year and intends to use more of the Regenified Southern Select as the base malt in all of their Reset Series of beers— classic styles made with 100 percent local malt.

Brewers and distillers interested in using Regenified Southern Select can contact orders@riverbendmalthouse.com for samples and specs.


Regenified is a practice and outcomes-based land verification and product certification program driving the growth of regenerative agriculture and the adoption of certified products. Regenified recognizes and certifies those who adopt regenerative practices, paving the way for a healthier planet and transparency across our food system. For more information, visit regenified.com.


Riverbend Malt House is on a quest to connect Southeastern family owned farms and fermenters. Co-Founders Brent Manning and Brian Simpson launched Riverbend, the first craft malt house east of the Mississippi River, in Asheville, North Carolina in 2010. Buoyed by a 70,000 foot production facility and state of the art equipment, Riverbend Malt House helps breweries and distilleries large, small, and in-between stand out with flavor, locality, and community in an increasingly competitive landscape— all the while challenging the status quo of corporate, big-agriculture malt. Learn more at riverbendmalt.com.

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