New Belgium Releasing Holiday Ale & Winter Variety Pack

A can of beer featuring the label "CGIUM BELGİL ANEW BREWING NEW BELGIUM HOLIDAY ALE" with illustrations of cranberry flavors. The design includes a holiday theme and indicates it is a limited release. The can is made of aluminum and is positioned indoors.

'Tis the season: Limited Release

Crafted for cold nights and good company.
Brewed with cranberry, orange, cinnamon, spice, and everything nice, Holiday Ale has returned to shelves for the most wonderful time of the year.

A hand holding a glass of beer labeled "New Belgium" with flavors of cranberry and spicy, indicating it's a limited release holiday ale.


A graphical user interface displaying a variety pack of New Belgium beverages, featuring several types of beer including Tripel, VooDoo Ranger, and Juicy Maze. The design includes the brand name “New Belgium” prominently at the top and lists various flavors in a colorful layout on a tin can against an indoor background.

Our winter variety pack has hit your favorite beer shelf.
Enjoy 144oz of Trippel, Holiday Ale, Voodoo Ranger Juicy Haze, and Voodoo Ranger Imperial IPA.


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