Mybeerbuzz .com Highlights AC Golden Mango McMango Face

Mybeerbuzz .com Highlights AC Golden Mango McMango Face

A little less than a year ago, I spent the month of June hiking in Colorado. I quickly learned that their beer selection was really really good, and I realized that many breweries that were available out there, were not available at home. With that in mind, I was excited to get an early sample of a new IPA coming from AC Golden Brewing in Golden, CO.

Just a few weeks ago, I brought you the news of today’s beer, and I’ll admit the style and ingredients really drew me in. I’m talking about AC Golden Mango McMango Face and if you’re not familiar, this is a new imperial IPA coming for Spring 2024. Of course I love imperial IPAs and I love mango so I can’t wait to try this one….so off we go.

Mybeerbuzz .com Highlights AC Golden Mango McMango Face

AC Golden Brewing Mango McMango Face

ABV:  9.6%
Hops:  Galaxy, Azacca, Amarillo & Zappa
Style:  Juicy Imperial IPA
Packaging:  19.2oz cans
Appearance:  Hazy and bright amber orange
Aroma:  Tropical fruit, citrus and mango
Mouthfeel:   Medium bodied
Taste:   Tropical fruit, citrus, mango & mild lemon
Overall:  AC Golden Mango McMango Face has a lot of good things going on. From flavors to aromas, this beer just screams “juicy” and feels really satisfying. I tasted a unique mix of citrus, lemon and sticky mango and I promise you that the 9.6%-AbV will sneak up on you. Overall the beer has a nice combination of fruit-forward tropical fruits, a bit of boozy presence and a pleasant (and balanced) hoppy finish.

AC Golden Mango McMango Face is available now in Colorado (Circle K, Safeway & Maverick) as well as at Coors Field and Red Rocks in 19.2oz cans…so get out there are try one for yourself. And when you do try it, be sure to let us know what YOU thinkzzubreebym

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