Duvel Hit By Hackers–Brewing Functions Stopped At Breweries Including Boulevard

From HLN:


The Belgian breweries of Duvel Moortgat are stopped due to a hacking. These include the brewery in Breendonk and Liefmans brewery in Oudenaarde, as well as the brewery of the subsidiary Boulevard Brewing King in Kansas, USA. “The stock is not in jeopardy for the time being,” he said

The hacking was noticed last night around 1.30. “We are provided for an alarm in these types of incidents,” reports Ellen Aarts of the Duvel Moortgat brewery. “That alarm has also worked perfectly, so our IT staff immediately started to solve the problem.” According to the first reports, it would be a kind of ‘ransomware’ or hostage software that blocks the servers. “And why we have decided for safety reasons to stop everything. The production too,” Aarts continues.

It would be all the servers of the brewery. Also those of their other Belgian beers like De Koninck and La Chouffe. Consumers should not panic for the time being. The stock is currently sufficient. “Our ITers are currently working on the way to solve the problem as quickly as possible and restart production. At present, there is still uncertainty as to when this will be, but we are confident that this will be very soon,” he said.

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