Leinenkugel’s Teamsters On Strike In Wisconsin

Leinenkugel’s Teamsters On Strike In Wisconsin

CHIPPEWA FALLS, WI July 11, 2023- Leinenkugel's Brewing Company workers represented by Teamsters Local 662 went on strike July 10 after rejecting the meager wage increases offered by the beermaker, which is owned by the global brewery giant Molson Coors.

"Leinenkugel's has been brewing beer in Chippewa Falls for over 150 years, which is a point of pride for both the facility's workers and the entire community," said Tom Strickland, Secretary-Treasurer of Local 662. "That storied history of success wouldn't have been possible without the hardworking Teamsters who keep this operation running. Molson Coors needs to respect these workers by agreeing to a fair contract."

"We are sick of the corporate greed and want a fair and equitable pay increase," said Dann Jackson, a maintenance technician who has worked at the brewery for 16 years. "We are underpaid given our qualifications and the number of different jobs that we do."

About 40 workers on strike voted overwhelmingly to reject Leinenkugel's last, best and final offer, which did not come close to giving workers what they deserve. The Teamsters voted 98 percent in favor of authorizing a strike after their contract ended in May.

"Leinenkugel's needs to quit stalling and pay up now," said Dan Boley, Local 662 Business Agent. "These workers are fired up and ready to fight for the pay increases they are due."

Teamsters rallied on the second day of the picket line the morning of July 11 as passing cars honked in a show of community support.

Teamsters Local 662 represents workers in a wide variety of industries throughout central and northern Wisconsin. For more information, go to teamsters662.com.

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