Jester King Releasing Moderne Dansk Batch 4

Jester King Releasing Moderne Dansk Batch 4

From Jester King:

We're releasing our 4th batch of Moderne Dansk!Moderne Dansk is our barrel-aged wild ale refermented with Danish Stevnsbær cherry juice from Frederiksdal Kirsebærvin in Denmark.

The character of the Stevnsbær cherries is one of our favorite sensory experiences. The aroma is almost unreal. We created a nice, soft blend of pale/golden wild ale aged in oak barrels for about a year, then re-fermented the cherry juice with the beer to complete dryness. The interplay between Hill Country well water, Texas grain, aged hops, native yeast, and Stevnsbær cherry juice creates a beer that's highly unique to the terroir of Texas and Denmark.

Modern Danske will be available onsite and online starting 5/4. Shipping/delivery illegal in Texas.

Artwork by Joshua Cockrell. Photo by Regan Vaca.

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