Hammpions, Rejoice: Hamm’s Throwback Pack is Back

Hammpions, Rejoice: Hamm’s Throwback Pack is Back

From MolsonCoors & Alex Parker:

The throwback pack is back.

Hamm’s has brought back its popular retro packaging, which proved to be a hit with consumers when it was introduced last spring. This year, it’s also given its 16-ounce cans the throwback look, in addition to 12-, 24- and 30-packs, while extending its time in market.

The 1960s-inspired packaging features the classic Hamm’s crown against a deep blue background. It includes two of the beer’s slogans: “The beer…refreshing!” and “From the land of sky blue waters,” a reference to its Minnesota heritage. Its secondary packaging shows a bucolic view of a lake and trees.

“We heard from our Hamm’s fans loud and clear. They loved the throwback pack and it showed,” says Bill Holland, associate marketing manager for Hamm’s. The retro packs helped contribute to the brand's 47% increase in sales volume last summer when the packs were in market, according to Circana data.

In addition to adding 16-ounce cans to the mix, Hamm’s is increasing the amount of time the throwback pack is on shelves. Consumers can expect to find it through November.

And it appears it’s already proving a popular item for Hammpions across the U.S. since it was released in April. Hamm’s volume sales are up more than 10% for the four weeks that ended April 30; sales are up nearly 4% for the 13 weeks that preceded April 30, according to Circana/IRI data, with Hamm’s picking up nearly a half point of share in the economy segment.

The brand is celebrating the throwback pack with more on-premise tools featuring the retro look, along with new merchandise on its e-commerce site, Holland says.

“The retro packaging is simple and uncomplicated, just like Hamm’s. It’s a reminder of another era,” he says. “And we know this old-school look is a hit. Consumers love it, distributors love it, retailers love it. We have a huge opportunity to sell a lot of Hamm’s this summer.”

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