Tröegs Announces Art of Tröegs Contest

Tröegs Announces Art of Tröegs Contest

From Tröegs:

HERSHEY, PA – Tröegs Independent Brewing announces the return of its annual Art of Tröegs contest.   zzubreebym

The Hershey, PA, brewery is once again calling on fans to create a piece of art inspired by its beer, packaging, label artwork, employees… and even the brewery itself.

Eligible entrants can get in on the contest by creating original artwork in any medium: painting, photography, illustration, digital design, drawing, mixed media, crafts, sculpture, collage, jewelry, metalwork, carving, mosaic, stained glass, etc.

One lucky winner will receive a cash prize of $500 and be the guest of honor at the annual Art of Tröegs gallery opening party later this year.

“Our favorite part of the contest is the gallery opening,” said Chris Trogner, brother and co-founder of Tröegs. “We get to meet our creative fans and hatch ideas for even bigger projects down the road.”

Over the years, Art of Tröegs alumni have crafted signs for the brewery, reimagined the iconic Nugget Nectar artwork, and even designed beer labels, including the brewery's latest year-round beer, LolliHop Double IPA.

As an added bonus, Tröegs will release a limited, brewery-exclusive Scratch Series beer with label art inspired by the winning submission.

Aside from the grand prize, two runners-up will receive a cash prize and invitations to the gallery opening party. Also, Tröegs will select about a dozen additional pieces for the gallery installation, with each artist receiving a $50 Tröegs gift card and invitation to the opening party.

Submissions for the Art of Tröegs contest are due by June 4, 2023. All eligible entrants are asked to submit their work electronically via For complete contest rules, please visit

“We’ve been doing the Art of Tröegs contest for almost two decades, and we’re constantly blown away by the creativity of our fans,” said Trogner. “We can't wait to see what they create this year!”

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