Cellarmaker Brewing To Acquire The Rare Barrel in Berkeley, CA

Cellarmaker Brewing To Acquire The Rare Barrel in Berkeley, CA

From Cellarmaker Brewing:


We are excited to announce that we are acquiring The Rare Barrel brand and facility in Berkeley, California. We're thrilled to double down on our East Bay presence alongside our upcoming Oakland location @cellarmaker.oakland slated to open in February of 2023. We love the energy and sense of community in the East Bay. We're honored to join many friends in the area, producing high quality beer for the greater Bay Area.

We've been close friends with the @therarebarrel crew since before their brand and ours launched in 2013 and have worked together closely throughout the past decade on various collaboration beers, traveled to events together and even celebrated our 5 year anniversaries together. It's been a privilege to consider them friends and colleagues. We will continue the Rare Barrel brand and product line in addition to using the brewery in their facility to provide an increased presence of Cellarmaker beer throughout the Bay. More Pale Ales. More Lagers. More Barrel Aged Barleywine!

In the most bittersweet way, our lease at our Howard Street location is coming to an end and we've been unable to reach any reasonable agreement with our landlord to move forward. In all honesty, we outgrew the Howard Street space a long time ago despite continuing operations there. We’ve been on the hunt for a larger location to grow the brand for some time, the TRB space in Berkeley is just what we need. The decision to close Howard Street is not something we took lightly and was incredibly difficult.

We sincerely appreciate each and every one of you that has visited us at our Howard Street location over the past 9 years. We will continue to operate the tasting room through the end of December and hope you'll join us for one (or three) final beers before we say goodbye to our original flagship location.

The House of Pizza in Bernal Heights is not going anywhere and will continue to operate, serving as our San Francisco location. Please continue to visit us there for our Detroit Style Square Pies and Cellarmaker beer.

From The Rare Barrel:

Over the past six months, we’ve been exploring a sale of the brewery. Like many others, the financial toll of the pandemic hit us hard and we determined that the best way of preventing a closure would be to find a partner to take over The Rare Barrel.

Today we’re pleased to announce that we’ve reached a deal to sell to our friends at @cellarmakerbrewing, who will continue to produce and sell The Rare Barrel brand in addition to making their great beer in our facility.

For the past 10 years, we at TRB have had the great honor to work with so many terrific friends across this industry, a long list of wonderful employees and passionate customers. We thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for your support and kindness.

As part of the transition of The Rare Barrel brand to Cellarmaker we will need to close before they can officially take over. The exact date of that is still TBD but we will keep you updated. We anticipate many questions but please bear with us during this transition. More updates will come but for now we just wanted to say thank you for the years of support.

Stay sour.

About MyBeer Buzz

Founder, owner, author, graphic designer, CEO, CFO, webmaster, president, mechanic and janitor for mybeerbuzz.com. Producer and Co-host of the WILK Friday BeerBuzz live weekly craft beer radio show. Small craft-brewer of the craft beer news sites and one-man-band with way too many instruments to play........Copyright 2007-2025 mybeerbuzz.com All Rights Reserved: Use of this content on ANY site without written permission is not allowed.

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