Paulaner: Oktoberfest Is Back!

Paulaner: Oktoberfest Is Back!

From Paulaner:


After two long years the highly anticipated official Oktoberfest celebration in Munich, Germany is BACK and what better way to celebrate the 200+ year tradition than with a true, authentic Bavarian brew….. PAULANER! zzubreebym

The Paulaner Oktoberfest bier is Germany's #1 bestseller Oktoberfest bier, and is also the only Paulaner bier that is served in the Paulaner Oktoberfest tents today. Brewed once a year, and only available while supplies last, the Paulaner Oktoberfest Bier is the pinnacle of German brewing: deep golden color, full-bodied and wonderfully mellow, with a balanced harmonious taste and the pleasant fragrance of hops. At 6% ABV, it is stronger and bolder than the usual lager.

Paulaner is also only one of six breweries allowed to serve at the famous festival in Munich and as such, must adhere to the Reinheitsgebot, the German Beer Purity Law. This law protects the purity and quality of beer by allowing only four ingredients in the brewing process: hops, malt, yeast and water.

So whether you are celebrating in Munich or at home it's time to put the lederhosen on and grab the seasonal Paulaner Oktoberfest bier or the year round Oktoberfest Marzen!


This golden Oktoberfest lager is Germany’s #1 Oktoberfest bier. It is also the only bier served in Paulaner Oktoberfest tents today and the favorite bier at the Munich Oktoberfest. Brewed once a year, and only available while supplies last, Oktoberfest Bier is the pinnacle of German brewing: deep golden color, full-bodied and wonderfully mellow, with a balanced harmonious taste and the pleasant fragrance of hops. At 6% ABV, it is stronger and bolder than the usual lager.


This amber bier style was developed more than 200 years ago to celebrate the original Munich Oktoberfest. The Märzen name originates from “March bier” because it was historically brewed in March, to be available for its peak flavor by the Oktoberfest celebration. Today, this style is available year-round in the U.S., due to popular demand.  This full-bodied bier with its rich malt flavor and dark toffee notes, has an underlying fruitiness and masterful hop balance. It will instantly turn your home into an Oktoberfest celebration.

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