Harpoon Celebrating Veterans With Warrior For Life IPA

Harpoon Celebrating Veterans With Warrior For Life IPA

From Harpoon:

In honor of Veterans Day, we’ve partnered with the Warrior For Life Fund to support those who have served our country and risked their lives for the freedoms we have today.

Starting on November 11th, we will be donating a $1 per pint of a specialty beer release called the Warrior For Life IPA to the Warrior For Life Fund. You can try this beer in either of our breweries, Harpoon Beer Hall in Boston, MA or Harpoon Brewery Taproom and Beer Garden in Windsor, VT.

From active duty through civilian life, the Warrior for Life Fund provides military service members, their families, and Gold Star spouses access to infrastructure and programs that build resilience and foster health and wellbeing through community involvement, physical fitness, and camaraderie-based team activities like hockey while ensuring the bond of their service remains unbroken.  Their programs strive to strengthen the family unit, expand social and employment networks, and create lifelong interests and relationships.  The Warrior for Life Fund memorializes the history and heritage of military service and honors those who have given the ultimate sacrifice.

Boston Bruins Alumni vs. Naval Special Warfare All Stars

The Boston Bruins Alumni have been long time supporters of the Warrior for Life Fund and will face off against members of the Naval Special Warfare community at Warrior Ice Arena in Boston, 2:00pm on Saturday, December 4th.  There is no cost to attend, so please consider joining them to cheer on our military heroes.

For more information or to donate directly, please click here.

To all our veterans out there, thank you for your service.

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